2 SUNSHINE Awards 2023 Named After Sparrow & Chalkdust

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The Sunshine Awards Organisation announced the establishment of two new awards-the Dr Slinger Francisco SUNSHINE Award, and the Dr Hollis Liverpool SUNSHINE Award.

The SUNSHINE Awards Programme was founded 35 years ago to recognise excellence in the performing arts, education, humanity, research, science, and sports of the various Caribbean countries.

The two new awards are meant to reflect the calypsonians’ extensive contribution, legacy, and impact on society. These awards will be presented annually to the performing artistes (individual or group), who demonstrate talent, creativity, and commitment to the art form, just as the Mighty Sparrow and the Mighty Chalkdust exhibited throughout their careers.

Founder and chairman of the SUNSHINE Awards, Gil Figaro stated, ‘It is an honour and privilege to establish (these) award categories in recognition of these two highly talented and accomplished performing artistes.

‘For me, this award established in my name, through the SUNSHINE Awards Organisation, will serve as the crowning glory to my achievements and contributions to society,’ said Chalkdust, ‘It is my hope that this award will signal to future generations the important role that education, history, research, and the performing arts play in societies.’

The Mighty Sparrow said: ‘To know that my name is so deeply associated with an award within the SUNSHINE Awards Organisation, is a testament to the value of the work I have dedicated my life to, and it is a tribute that I will forever cherish. I am excited about the positive impact this award will have on society, further underscoring dreams of excellence and dedication.’

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