XDA shines at Fatima Mayfair- overtimett

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Photos courtesy: Overtime Media

Fatima College annual Mayfair sparkled through the oppressive heat of last Sunday as scores of teenagers gathered to connect with friends and classmates and have fun with family members. Parents made the rounds of the school courtyard interacting with various stalls and their volunteer managers, taking chances at various games, enjoying rides and supporting fundraising sales. Meanwhile, inside the school hall turned DISCO, the Xtreme Dance Academy and SS Elite Dance crews showcased their group and individual skills onstage mid-afternoon to spike some excitement, before delivering an enlightened set in the courtyard an hour later and then closing off the DISCO with a repeat and reinvigorated performance at 5.30 pm. Parents, teachers, families, students and children of all ages enjoyed the annual mid-year bazaar and the dancers moved one step closer to their ultimate goals, with a contingent vying for a slot in the World Championships later this year

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