The critically acclaimed short film Trinidad Remains is set to begin 2025 on a triumphant note, with an Opening Night screening at the prestigious 18th British Shorts Film Festival in Berlin. The screening will take place on January 23, 2025, marking a significant milestone for this powerful and evocative production.
Directed by the talented Karen Martinez and produced by Natasha Dack-Ojumu and Lisa Wickham, Trinidad Remains has captivated audiences with its poignant storytelling and stunning visuals.
The UK-TT collaboration stars British star Leonie Elliott and T&T actors Syntyche Bishop, and Kevon Brooks, whose performances have been lauded for their colour and authenticity.
UK-based Producer, Natasha Dack-Ojumu is riding a wave of critical acclaim, having recently won a BAFTA for her groundbreaking documentary White Nanny, Black Child. While Director Karen Martinez is celebrating her recent win as Best Director at the Women Over Fifty Film Festival in the UK.
In April 2024, Lisa Wickham co-founded the Cross Continental Forum – (CCF) which brought together international media industry experts and executives with high-level Black and Global Majority producers from the UK, Canada, Africa and the Caribbean. This underscores the exceptional talent behind Trinidad Remains and highlights the film’s potential to resonate with international audiences.
Trinidad Remains is a narrative road trip, set against the backdrop of Trinidad and Tobago’s unique cultural landscape. The film seamlessly blends universal themes with a distinct Caribbean perspective, offering a cinematic experience that is both intimate and globally relevant. The project also serves as the “proof-of-concept” for the upcoming feature film Scattered, which promises to expand on the story and themes introduced in this short.
The British Short Film Festival is known for showcasing innovative and impactful films from around the world, making it the perfect platform for Trinidad Remains to continue its journey of international acclaim. The Opening Night screening is a testament to the film’s powerful narrative and its ability to connect with audiences across cultures.
Speaking about the upcoming screening, Director Karen Martinez added: “Trinidad Remains is a story that is deeply personal yet universally resonant. It’s exciting to see it find a home on the international stage, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to share this film with such a prestigious audience.”
Producer Natasha Dack-Ojumu added: “It’s incredibly rewarding to see Trinidad Remains embraced by international audiences. This film is a beautiful collaboration that highlights the rich storytelling and talent emerging from the Caribbean. I’m honored to have been part of this journey, and the Opening Night screening in Berlin is a testament to the film’s universal appeal.”
Producer Lisa Wickham shared: “We are thrilled to have Trinidad Remains open the British Short Film Festival in Berlin. This is a tremendous honor for our team, and it reflects the hard work and dedication that went into bringing this story to life. We trust that audiences in Berlin and beyond will connect with the themes and emotions that the film explores.”
The screening in Berlin is the latest in a series of accolades for Trinidad Remains, further solidifying its place as a standout production in contemporary Caribbean cinema. The film won Best Comedy at Caribbean Tales, Toronto in September 2024 and Best Short Film (Narrative) at its world premiere at the 2023 Trinidad and Tobago Film Festival. With its compelling narrative, stellar performances, and an accomplished creative team, the film is poised to leave a lasting impact on audiences and the industry alike.
Trinidad Remains was filmed with support from the British Film Institute (BFI), C15 Studios Ltd.The Trinidad and Tobago FILM Company (FilmTT) and TASC Enterprises Limited.