New Best village Queen Crowned

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On Saturday, September 7th, the Prime Minister’s Best Village Trophy Competition under the Ministry of Sport and Community Development reached its pinnacle with the Le Gran Z’ Affair, also celebrated as the Crowning of Miss La Reine Rive. Unlike traditional beauty pageants, Miss La Reine Rive focuses on showcasing the diverse talents and personalities of young women, ages 17 to 27, through categories like Self Expression, Talent, and Gown Display. This year’s event captivated audiences with a vibrant display of talent and creativity.

Rachel Questelles of Encore Dance Theatre emerged victorious, captivating judges with her exceptional talent and poise. As the newly crowned Miss La Reine Rive, Rachel will proudly represent her community and the Best Village Unit/Ministry throughout her reign, embodying the goals of the competition and the values it upholds. Ministry of Sport and Community Development Shamfa Cudjoe-Lewis was present and assisted in placing the sash on the winner. She also congratulated all the groups that took part in the competition which culminated at the National Academy of the Performing Arts (NAPA).

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