Spirit Mas presents it’s Carnival 2025 presentation “Spirit Island”

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Photos and article by: JERMAINE CRUICKSHANK

Carnival 2025 is buzzing with excitement following the sophmore launch presentation of costumes by Spirit Mas, as owned and led by Entrepreneur Adrian Scoon.

Coming on the heels of their debut for carnival 2024, Spirit built the anticipation when they announced their date to launch their 2025 presentation “Spirit Island” at U-pick in Chaguaramas. Thousands of mas-lovers saturated the peninsula last Wednesday night to witness and experience the launch event and the Spirit energy was palpable as you entered the well-decorated and designed venue, complete with easy access to multiple massive bar areas – both stocked with premium beverages to quench the thirsty spirits present, alongside a sobering and satisfying food court.

Of course, the ladies were dressed to definitely impress and the lush green forest surrounding Chaguaramas provided a cool and comforting ambience. At (time), the presentation began with a bang – fireworks lighting up the clear night sky with lots of concealing fog and mist clearing in perfect time to reveal the gamut of costumes embelling the stage even as the cheers and screams of the masses in attendance accompanied designs and models in seductive sequence. Those potential masqueraders positioned up front certainly had the best view, but that made it all the more difficult to choose a section to play with, as one after the next section and designs were revealed to be gorgeous and awe-inspiring. Showcased and paraded on stage by a few of the the sexiest models of all races and descriptions, the Spirit Mas costumes illicited screams that grew louder and louder as the massive crowd witnessed an outpouring of extremely vibrant colours and impeccable designs.
One thing for sure, Spirit Mas after presenting their nine (9) sections, the band is set to not only take over the road come Carnival 2025, But are lifting the Spirit of Carnival even higher, and as we look forward to seeing them on the road alongside their groundbreaking format for carnival Monday and Tuesday. A special thank you was delivered to their generous sponsors, marketing team and the Rent-A-Amp sound company for delivering on the sound and stage.

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