: Jermaine Cruickshank
As Carnival nears the lanes at the Queens Park Savannah normally gets a bit crowded than usual, as most Trinis especially the Ladies prep and get themselves for the rigors of Carnival and to look extra special on the road for Carnival Monday and Tuesday as we get ready fro the greatest show on Earth. This week we caught up with the Vyqueen herself as she launched her Hybrd Fitness after work, work out “PUSH YOURSELF PUMP” at the queens park Savannah.

- Q – How has 2025 been treating you thus far and what are some of your goals and plans for this season and this year?
A – Fay – The year has started very well, goals and plans are the same as they’ve always been, do your best, live in the moment when you can and remember to keep an open mind. Life will life regardless.
2. Q – How did you go from keeping fit and losing weight for yourself to now literally motivating and helping others keep fit and get pumped up for Carnival? What factors or incidents prompted that evolution?
A – Fay – I’ve always been into fitness in one form or the other. It’s a lifestyle choice for me. The same way I see sharing my music in events to fans brings energy and a vibe … I figured the same approach to fitness could work. I know many people don’t like exercising so I decided to approach it from a fun side so they wouldn’t get despondent and stop their fitness journey. I’ve seen the major benefits of being fit and I know it doesn’t change everything for everyone meaning people still get sick and ailments despite doing it I would encourage everyone to look on the bright side … the quality of life that it can give you is worth the effort.
3. Q – How does the music help the fitness goals and how does being fit help your music and which songs (3 – 5) other than your own and Bunji’s are on your workout playlists right now ?
A- Fay – music helps by bringing ppl together as well as it motivates and makes you be present in the hour or so you’re working out and listening to it. Keeps you locked in and focused. In addition for people like myself being fit gives you ease of executing high energy performances for long periods of time. My playlist depends on what mood or mission I’m on … so it’s difficult to say as I’m always adding music.
4. Q -With all the crime and political tension, Sahara dust and climate changes in the atmosphere, what keeps you smiling on a daily basis and what should visitors to Trinidad be mindful of and looking forward to experiencing here whether or not the SOE status remains or is removed?
A – FAY – there’s conflict and issues world wide, and no I’m not excusing our issues I’m saying the mission continues even in the midst of all the chaos. There are things that happen in your life, your country, your family, your job etc you can’t predict or control but you have to realize until things get better focus on making the things you can control and , make use of things you give your attention. People visiting feed off the citizens, our mood and mindset is what they look at to see if coming is even an option. We remain a very optimistic ppl even when we should not be at times, and I guess at the end of the day deep down inside we’re all just trying to survive as best we can and have a bit of fun while doing it. In a world that’s changing, every drop of freedom is a blessing and we still hold a lot of freedom in our hands. So we must change what we can and adapt where we cannot change until.
5. Q- Which of your songs do you want people to really listen and hold on to this season and what regional or international milestones do you see Soca music achieving this year?
A- Fay – All. I think different songs resonate with different people. I’m more focused on the accomplishment of having the Artiste for yet another year not give up on the music despite not just industry issues but their own personal issues. They’ve found the energy and will to do another year of support to our culture and carnival again and they’re not even sure they’re going to recoup expenses or become the staple in the fetes. That had to happen before anything else. Internationally as the norm the fight continues, every year on the global
Landscape is different but as always to win at anything you first got to show up and right now we’re focusing on showing up, we will take the year as it comes.
6. Q- Did you expect or was it your intention to get hybrid fitness to be the go to fitness brand with a following especially at carnival?
A- Fay – No. I love fitness and just thought it would be a great way to engage with fans in another way besides the fetes. Lots of people don’t do fetes so this gives them a dose of it. The Artiste give their support every year by showing up and performing for the people. And they love it.
7.Q- BONUS QUESTION:- Are there any plans for a hybrid fitness gym or personal celebrity training (bunji not included) lol
A- Fay – I’ve been asked to, but timing is everything. I’m focused on building and shaping the brand into a solid foundation. Fitness is lifestyle for me and I want the brand to be that as well for people. My focus is getting people to enjoy getting active and accepting the level they are at and working on improving what they can realistically. The reality of yourself is what you must accept first … then you can make decisions on what direction you need to go. So for now let’s motivate the masses to get active in some form…. And then we’ll decide from there.
This year the Vyqueen has Launched Fay-Ann Lyons and HYBRD Presents ” PUSH YOURSELF PUMP”happening this and every Wednesday at the Queens Park Savannah from 4pm-7pm. So when you leave your work stations head across to the Savannah and make a movie to create some “Drones Overhead”