Britney Pope Is Red, White & Black

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Britney Pope is a 23 year old young professional, wearing many hats truly embodying the Red, White & Black that represents her home island of The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.

The red that signifies fire represents the resilience that she has in becoming a teen mom and now risen, despite life’s fires, to becoming an entrepreneur, founder of an NGO “Invest In You”, a university graduate, motivational speaker an aspiring model.

The white that signifies water represents the flow of journey as she continues to pursue her dreams and aspirations of making a difference in the lives of young women of T&T and to represent her
country on the international stage for Miss Universe as an upcoming model and ambassador one day.

The Black that signifies earth represents her attributes that defines who she is as young woman. She is full of passion and determination, confidence, intelligence and a keen learner always seeking to improve herself.

Republic Day Shoot with Britney Pope. Captured by: Tange Studios- Leonardo De Silva Designer Swimsuit: R J Mango Designer Throwover: SGP_Resort

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