DJ Mario’s Top TT 20 New & Trending Soca Hits, January 10/25

Check out the hottest, latest soca hits coming for Carnival

Whispers of Chaos, Echoes of the Sea: Spinning Caribbean Dreams in Pixels and Paint

Inspired by the themes of the Jamaican flag, it also critiques the Caribbean’s tourism-driven portrayal as a “paradise.”


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Bishop’s Food Inclusive Cooler Fete. by Bishop Anstey High School

A Cooler experience with a difference with memories to last a lifetime. Photos: Jermaine Cruickshank

“One Community One Spirit”- Kiddies Carnival Returns To St James

The St. James Children’s Carnival Parade has become a fundamental part of Trinidad & Tobago’s Carnival celebrations rivalling its adult counterpart in costumery and attendance attracting a growing registration of 50 plus bands and over 200 individuals.

Palmyra At The Writers Centre

In a review of the novel, Bridget Brereton, Emerita Professor of History at UWI, St Augustine, called Palmyra “a well-written, intricately plotted and fast-paced novel, definitely a good read.”

Exclusive Claws exclusive at the Xvibes

Courtesy Overtime Media/Photo; Jermaine Cruickshank XVibes has teamed up with ExclusiveClaws to bring you ladies all the hottest beauty and cosmetology tips, trends and looks...

Patrice reclaims her crown

Courtesy Overtime MediA/Photo: Jermaine Cruickshank Follow us on TIK Tok @xvibesent and IG ON: xvibesent for more. Soca Queen, Patrice Roberts reclaimed her throne last Sunday...

DJ Mario’s Top TT 20 New & Trending Soca Hits, January 10/25

Check out the hottest, latest soca hits coming for Carnival