Literary Youth Festival A Success

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Young people came from far and wide to The Writer’s Centre in Port of Spain on Saturday 19 November for the very first in-person NGC Bocas Youth Fest.

The youth festival which ran from 11am to 11pm and catered to young people aged 12 – 25 included eleven facilitators, alongside performers, and local merchants. Kicking off with a career fair, speakers educated the youngsters about the wide range of literary-inspired professions and the need for strong communication skills for future growth, personal and professional success.

The Big Idea Debate, which was live-streamed on the Bocas Lit Fest’s YouTube channel, sparked spirited online discussions as six debaters, which included finalists and semifinalists of this year’s First Citizens National Poetry Slam, argued whether the Commonwealth is still relevant.

Carol Jaglal, teacher at the Barrackpore West Secondary School lauded the festival as an exhibition of exceptional local talent and a relevant mix of art, graphics, and narratives that invite students to present themselves well through the written and spoken word. Jaglal commented, “At the very heart, the events embodied the importance of verbal and written communication.”

On the speakers and facilitators, Jaglal said, “The students felt overwhelmed and ecstatic by the mix of celebrity figures they met. They especially enjoyed the art corner by a young designer, Chioke Herbert, DJ Dani’s commercials, and Gemfyx graphics – cartoon (local super hero jumbie), among other creative showcases.”

There was full participation for the sign-making and blogging workshops and spoken word poets shared soulful pieces in the Stand and Deliver Open Mic session.

Determined that the Bocas Lit Fest must remain committed to youth development through language and literature and various forms of creative expression, Youth and Hospitality Manager, Marielle Forbes said, “The years between ages 12 and 25 are critical, moving from secondary to tertiary level education where young people usually find and pursue their passions, and the NGC Bocas Youth Fest is proud to be a part of their journey”.

NGC is the title sponsor of Trinidad and Tobago’s annual literary festival. The youth edition of the festival was created to make literature relevant, appealing and accessible to young people, nationwide.

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