Ragoobarsingh Heads to ‘Ladies Room’

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Richard Ragoobarsingh is a multi-Cacique Award winner, which is a testament to his skill as an actor and recognises his top-notch portrayals of many different characters. As a playwright, he has won awards, including for the classic hit ‘Mary Could Dance’, which has been performed locally and internationally and holds the record for the most awards won by a play in Trinidad and Tobago. Mary also holds the title for the longest-running play in Trinidad and Tobago with an original cast, over 20 years.

Ragoobarsingh’s career as an actor/playwright is extensive but he has also excelled at directing and has also won Cacique Awards in this field. As in-house director for RS/RR Productions together with Debra Boucaud Mason, Ragoobarsingh puts on his directorial hat and takes on directing the noted actresses of the Ladies’ Room. The play was written by acclaimed playwright Ricardo Samuel and features some of the best actresses in the country such as Debra Boucaud Mason, Penelope Spencer, Cecilia Salazar, Ria Ali, Leslie Ann Lavine, Zo Mari Tanker, and introduces Deron Dindial as the only mysterious male actor in the cast.

Ragoobarsingh indicates that directing the play was re-energising coming from theatre being “locked down” for the last two years. He also remarked that, “Working with such a talented cast is such a joy as they give so much in crafting the comedic dynamics between such different characters. It is so funny that even in rehearsals the cast and crew were laughing.”

Audiences from NAPA and Naparima Bowl apparently agree and have made numerous comments on the RS/RR Productions FB page and also on Instagram/WhatsApp and TikTok.

Ladies’ Room will finally come to Cipriani College on Mother’s Day weekend May 7 at 8.30 p.m. and May 8 at 6.30 p.m. For tickets and reservations call 320-8528/744-7581. You can WhatsApp 738-3626.

Tickets are also available at all advertised outlets. See social media and press for more info.

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