LUXX- “Welcome to Santorini”

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The majestic sights and sounds of Greece were channeled by the Luxx all-inclusive Committee on Carnival Sunday night as they hosted “Welcome to Santorini” at the Hilton Trinidad poolside. All hail Kes the Great as the band of brothers from South Trinidad close off their Carnival season and prepare to release their first album in many years dubbed: “Man with No Door”” With an expressive fun dress code of pink, blue and white, patrons listened and the ladies dressed to impress and delivered as they immersed themselves in the breathtaking sunset views, while also indulging in the tantalizing traditions that will make this experience truly unforgettable.

More than just an all-inclusive event, Luxx has become a beloved closing season experience of the ultimate premium Carnival fete with a picture-perfect sunset view to envy many overlooking the Queens Park Savannah.

LUXX All Inclusive was indeed, the Ultimate Premium Fete for Carnival 2024.

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