The event is called “Hard Fete”.
Remember when we used to really fete? PSA Ground for Brass festival, Soca by the Silo’s ala flour mills fete, Was a fete St Joseph, fire Fete and Licensing Fete.
Well, the Viking Bunji Garlin and his Vyqueen fay Ann Lyons partnering with Sound Forge is about to bring back the energy and life to how we really used to fete “Hard Fete. The e idea is basic and spontaneous as it gets. Short pants, t-shirt, jeans and sneakers, flags are welcomed let’s bring back our true way of feting.
There is a particular magic that exists in this mode that is often traded when things get too themed or structured “Hard Fete” no fanciness no high heels and make up not necessary, so join the masses as we converge at Sound forge for a real fete.