Courtesy Overtime Media/Photos: JERMAINE CRUICKSHANK

Screams and shrieks echoed across the Chaguaramas peninsula last Saturday night, as Kes The Band took the stage for the first time this season and the largest-ever assembly of “Fete Lovers” flooded the Five Islands Water Park for the seventh edition of this “best kept secret” cooler fete.
Known for arriving early and wasting no time to get to the business of enjoyment, these ‘lovers’ did not wait for Valentine’s Day to profess their adoration for the unofficial “President of the Red Man Association”, Mr Kees Dieffenthaller. Cool as a cucumber with songs as hot and spicy as the chow, Dieffenthaller and company returned the love given to them and further warmed the hearts of the gathering with a scorching 20-song set. “Cocoa Tea” enjoyed an encore while their unreleased “Traffic Jam” was leaked and tested live on stage by the band of brothers, who recently topped the US itunes Reggae charts with their first release of the season. Enhanced with a roomy 32 x 32 feet stage, expansive and accommodating Five Islands’ restrooms and cool crowd LED wristbands, the fete was wet from start to finish with fun energy that did not diminish, as patrons were seen wining, singing and frolicking past Debbie and Kim at the entranceway and on toward their secured parking at Pier 2, even as the loving feteing vibes continued flowing until 1 am.