Ward’s Pandemic Inspired Art

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The artist, poet and creativity coach Keith Ward opens his 23rd solo exhibition, “R.I.S.E.”, at the Lloyd Best Institute in Tunapuna, tomorrow.

R.I.S.E. is Ward’s acronym for “Resilience, Innovation, Strengths and Efforts”. In creating the 35 paintings which will be on show, the artist said he took inspiration from the challenges and triumphs of people he encountered through workshops and art classes he facilitated over the lockdown period of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Ward’s Caribbean-themed paintings feature movement, light and vibrant colours intended, he says, to uplift and to celebrate life and the positivity of the human spirit. He sees his art as a unique forum for self-expression, a vehicle for personal growth and a means to communicate on a deeper level of consciousness to others.

Ward, who is self-taught and has been painting since early childhood, has exhibited his work regularly since 1989, participating in numerous group and solo shows at galleries such as Horizons in Mucurapo. His paintings have found homes in many private and corporate collections throughout Trinidad and Tobago, as well as Europe, North America and Africa.

In addition to painting and other artistic pursuits, including music, drama and film, he is the author of two books of poems, Reflections and Moments of Indecision. He teaches art at The University of The West Indies Open Campus, and conducts art therapy and team-building and creativity workshops through his own organisation, Arts for Development, Expression and Therapy.

The exhibition R.I.S.E. is free to the public and will run every day until Sunday, June 12, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (all Covid protocols observed).

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