Nikita Guy, Tha Antidote

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Nikita Guy, the artiste known as Tha Antidote, got to live out a childhood dream when she released the video for her single ‘Boss Gyal’ last Friday.

Guy, who is from San Souci, Toco, always wanted to do music, but pursuing law was just as important to her, too. Realising that she couldn’t go after her two loves simultaneously, she put music on the back burner.

As a child, her parents also drilled the importance of academics. She attended three primary schools (Toco Anglican Primary School, San Souci Roman Catholic Primary School and Toco Roman Catholic Primary School) before going to North Eastern College.

Upon completion of secondary school, Guy decided to sign up for the Certificate in Psychology course at The UWI open campus, with the hope of enrolling in the Faculty of Law at The UWI, St Augustine.

While acquiring information on the grade point average that was needed to get into the Faculty of Law, she was discouraged by someone who told her she was wasting time trying to get into the faculty.

Guy was also told that since it was unlikely that she would be accepted to the faculty, she should just focus on acquiring the Certificate in Psychology, and forget about law. She refused to let the naysayer get to her, preferring to use the negativity to motivate her. Guy was eventually accepted into the Faculty of Law at The UWI, and she admits that it wasn’t easy. She left San Souci every day and spent two to three hours on the road to and from her classes at The UWI, and still had to complete her assignments when she got home.

During the first year, she fell ill and was unable to attend classes for the entire first semester. Still, she was able to complete her exams, even though she was not as successful as she would have liked. Guy eventually completed her LLB degree and now that she is closer to the end of her studies at Hugh Wooding Law School, she believes it’s time to give music another try.

Guy started talking to the brand Salute, which gave her a soundtrack to work to put words to. Her first day at the studio was understandably nerve-wracking for the singer. But by the second time around, Guy was ready. ‘Boss Gyal’ is the name of the song that she recorded, her first, and Guy is grateful for the team for encouraging her on her musical journey.

The Salute brand is led by Jameel Solomon, a T& T-born, US-based businessman. The brand is geared to creating a platform for positive messaging. Salute  is also known for its branded apparel.

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