T&T National Awards For Trio

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For Contributions to arts, music in T&T

By Verdel Bishop

Contributions to culture and the arts will have their names written in the corridors of history when they receive national awards including the Order of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, (ORTT) Chaconia Medal Gold, Hummingbird Medal Gold and Hummingbird Medal Silver.

Mark Loquan will receive the ORTT, this country’s highest award, for his work in pan innovation.

A news release from the Office of the President stated that Loquan, president of the National Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago will receive the ORTT in the sphere of National Service (Energy and Pan Innovation).

Besides his decades of work in the energy sector, Loquan has contributed significantly to the pan and music industry.

The release said Loquan is universally known and loved. His presence is felt globally as an award-winning music composer, songwriter, and documentary filmmaker. Loquan creates without thought for profit,’ it stated.

Musician Duvone Stewart, who will receive the Hummingbird Medal Silver, in a telephone interview with the Express, yesterday, dedicated his award to pan icon, composer and arranger, Dr Jit Samaroo, who died in 2016. ‘I am deeply honoured to be a recipient of this recognition. I could not have achieved this without the support from many incredible people including my parents, extended family and friends who have always believed in me and stood by me with love and encouragement and guidance.

‘There are many individuals who played a role in this accomplishment. I received this baton from Jit Samaroo, one of the greatest inspirations and motivators in my life. Jit Samaroo has been a true pillar in my career so I dedicate this to him. This award also belongs to the pan fraternity. It shows that whatever can be done will be done and anything is possible by any individual in any fraternity,’ Stewart said.

Stewart added, ‘The support over the years have been incredible. It allowed me to penetrate the barriers and it humbled me and allowed me to create incredible stories for the culture. But this is not where it will end because there is an added spark to continue to inspire the next generation. Ppan is the greatest gift that God has given to us. This instrument should be compulsory in schools. Take the recorder out of the school system and replace it with the steelpan because this is where our identity lies,’ Stewart said.

The release stated that Stewart is not only a talented musician, arranger, and composer, but also an exceptional educator, mentor and source of inspiration for at-risk youths. An active member and leader of the BP Renegades Steel Orchestra, his creative arrangements and compositions have secured an impressive twenty- eight titles in various pan competitions locally, regionally, and internationally. Beyond music, Stewart coordinates community food drives and regularly brings together people of various backgrounds to participate in his initiatives.

Pan Trinbago’s president, Beverley Ramsey- Moore will receive the Hummingbird Medal Gold for Culture/ Arts/Community Development. She told the Express via telephone yesterday that the pan and the pan fraternity has made considerable strides. ‘I am extremely elated and proud of the achievement. This recognition is a boost for women in pan and women who stood by my side and encouraged me.

‘When you look back at where we came from as an organisation, from having zero dollars and zero cents and to see the transformation of steelpan and the organisation itself is rewarding for all involved.

It is a really big moment for Pan Trinbago as an organisation. We have maintained clean audits and continue to work with a number of stakeholders including the government. We have seen the establishment of World Steelpan Day, we have seen the steelpan achieve the geographical indication which now gives Trinidad and Tobago a sense of pride that the steelpan is recognised as belonging to this country. This is its birthplace and we continue to take pride in that. It has become an avenue for social transformation. We have turned the corner and people have recognised our work and it has not been easy but we are extremely proud,’ Ramsey-Moore said.

The release stated that Ramsey-Moore, a community leader, youth mentor, cultural activist and steelpan trailblazer has demonstrated her leadership and dedication to service and country throughout her long career. Elected to the Tobago House of Assembly in 1992 as the representative for Black Rock/Whim, she held the portfolios of Secretary for Community Development and Culture and Assistant Secretary for Youth and Sport. In 2018, Ramsey-Moore made history in becoming the first female president of Pan Trinbago and has continued her trajectory of public service, serving on various boards and committees,’ the release stated.

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