The Clash Of The Titan’s Ultimate Hill Challenge – “Lady Chancellor To The Pillars”

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By Mario Russell

Get ready for the ultimate showdown, the “Clash of the Titans Ultimate Hills Challenge,” where fitness enthusiasts will go head-to-head on both road and trail.

This exhilarating event, scheduled for Saturday, November 25th, kicks off at the base of Lady Chancellor, promising a battle for the titles of King and Queen of Lady Chancellor.

The journey unfolds with a challenging two-mile road trek leading to the Chancellor’s Lookout, followed by the ascent of the steep Breezy Hill Pines Trail to reach the summit of Maraval Peak. Descending through rugged terrain to the Pillars on the Saddle Road marks the next leg of the competition.

Upon reaching the Pillars, participants, whether hikers or runners, will make a U-turn and retrace their steps, completing the loop back to Lady Chancellor. Covering a total distance of 10 miles or 16.09 km, with the highest point being Maraval Peak at 570m or 1870 feet, this challenge demands both endurance and agility.

Last year’s champion, Michael Honore, set an impressive record, completing the course in a remarkable time of 2 hours and 7 minutes.

The phenomenal trail runner Patricia Sorias secured the second spot with a time of 2 hours and 19 minutes. She also came 1 st among the women to retain both titles King 2 nd place and Queen of Lady Chancellor.

Anand Bal claimed the third position at 2 hours and 24 minutes, followed by Mark Leeson at 4th place
with a time of 2 hours and 43 minutes. Shardie Mahabir, a top female roadrunner from Trinidad and Tobago, secured the 5th position, clocking in at 2 hours and 51 minutes.

What adds intrigue to this event is the clash between road and trail athletes. Negotiating the trail requires a different set of skills compared to the smoother road terrain, with its slippery paths and obstacles. Success in this challenge demands a blend of proficiency on both surfaces, making it a truly captivating competition.

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